Showing 1–16 of 24 results

The PowerPRO2200~3600 series is the latest of HITEC’s dynamic rotary UPS products. The PowerPRO 2200~3600 series has the greatest reliability and uptime, and, with its low energy consumption, it is the most efficient power solution available.

Buy your solar panels R with 390W at the lowest price – online only
- Improved performance and increased power
- CELLO patented technology
- Positive tolerance: 3%
- Superior strength

Buy SOLAR® solar panel PREMIUM series at the best price exclusively online.
- 30-year guarantee
- SAFE warranty
- 100% made in Europe
- Monocrystalline cells with PERC technology
- Anti-PID treatment / Hotspot protection
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Buy your BISOL solar panel BMO-265 transparent at the best price online.
- Linear performance guarantee
- Positive tolerance
- 54 monocrystalline cells
- 25% transparency
- Anti-PID treatment

Buy SOLAR® solar panel 340W PREMIUM series at the best price exclusively online.
- 30-year guarantee
- SAFE warranty
- 100% made in Europe
- Monocrystalline cells with PERC technology
- Anti-PID treatment / Hotspot protection

Buy your SOLAR Bifacial 410W glass-glass solar panels from the STRONG series online at the best price.
- Bifacial gass-glass solar panel
- High efficiency
- 0-5W positive tolerance
- 30-year guarantee
- European manufacturing
- Total protection

Buy your solar panels NeON with 370W at the lowest price – online only.
- Improved performance and increased power
- CELLO patented technology
- Positive tolerance: 3%
- Superior strength

Buy your Panasonic solar panel HIT VBHN340SJ53 at the best price exclusively online. These solar panels PANASONIC use a revolutionary technology which combines two types of photovoltaic cells – monocrystalline and amorphous cells. The result are multilayered cells which can produce 3% more electricity than standard cells using single crystal technology.
In addition, this technology also helps increase the performance of your installation on the whole. The solar panel SANYO HIT 340W comes with a 20%-efficiency. A great way to increase the power production on your roof.

Buy your BISOL solar panels SPECTRUM BMU-255 at the best price exclusively online
- Linear performance guarantee
- Coloured panels
- Positive tolerance
- Polycrystalline cells
- Anti-PID treatment
- Anti-ammoniac treatment
- Anti-flammable treatment
- Anti-salt treatment

- 30-year guarantee
- SAFE warranty
- 100% made in Europe
- Monocrystalline cells with PERC technology
- Anti-PID treatment / Hotspot protection

- 30-year guarantee
- SAFE warranty
- 100% made in Europe
- Monocrystalline cells with PERC technology
- Anti-PID treatment / Hotspot protection

Buy your SUNPOWER Solar panel MAXEON MAX3 with 375W at the lowest price – online only. SUNPOWER panels use the revolutionary MAXEON technology.
- Improved performance and increased power
- MAXEON patented technology
- Positive tolerance:5%
- Superior strength

Buy your BISOL solar panels SPECTRUM BMU-255 at the best price exclusively online.
- Linear performance guarantee
- Coloured panels
- Positive tolerance
- Polycrystalline cells
- Anti-PID treatment
- Anti-ammoniac treatment
- Anti-flammable treatment
- Anti-salt treatment

Buy your DELTA inverter RPI H2.5 FLEX at the best price – online only. This inverter is equipped with a tracker, which allows you to optimize your solar system’s energy production as you can install panels on two different roofs

Buy your Power X1 Boost 3600 inverter at the lowest price – online only. This inverter is ideal for domestic self-consumption.
- Quick start
- WIFI Internet monitoring included
- Integrated consumables management
- Single-phase inverter
- Management excess solar production into the grid

Buy your Power X1 Boost 4200 inverter at the lowest price – online only. This inverter is ideal for domestic self-consumption. This inverter manages your solar panel production in order not to inject excess solar production into the grid.
- Quick start
- WIFI Internet monitoring incuse
- Integrated consumable’s management
- Single-phase inverter
- Management Excess solar power into the grid